Pistolet de scellement, faible vélocité

Item Key: 1167

Longueur de fixation : Amplitude0.55 - 2.83 in
Type de Cartouche27 petits calibres, 6.8/11 M10
Couleur/Niveau de cartoucheNoir, Vert, Rouge, Jaune
Dimensions (in.) LxLgxH19.1" x 2.8" x 7.1"
Type du PistonX-6-5-P8
Puissance (.max)325 J


*This estimate is for the base rental charge only. Other fees and charges may apply and will be calculated at the time of rental. Does not include delivery fees.

*Images are for general reference only. Individual product models may vary. Please consult with your dealer to verify machine configuration.